Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine

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Peer-review medical journal




Journal founders

  • Russian Association of Forensic Medical Experts (link).
  • Eco-Vector Publishing group (link)


The peer-review medical journal "Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine" aimed to provide the very latest information both in research, practical and educational areas related to a wide range of fields across the forensic sciences. Fields include forensic pathology and histochemistry, chemistry, biochemistry and toxicology, biology, serology, odontology, psychiatry, anthropology, digital forensics, the physical sciences, firearms, and document examination, as well as investigations of value to public health in its broadest sense, and the important marginal area where science and medicine interact with the law. The journal publishers original researches, reviews, case reports, commentaries, letters to the editor, clinical and laboratory observations by Russian and international authors, pertinent to readers in CIS countries and around the world.  View full aims & scope

Publication frequency

  • Quarterly, 4 issues per year
  • Continuously Ahead-of-Print (Online First)




  • English
  • Russian
  • Chinese


  • Hybrid access: Subscription and Optional Open Access under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivates 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).



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Announcements More Announcements...


Scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the formation of the Department of Forensic Medicine of Sechenov University

Posted: 19.12.2024

On September 26–27, 2024, a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 220th anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Forensic Medicine of Sechenov University was held in Moscow. This article provides a brief report and an overview of the most relevant topics of the event.


On the work of scientific and practical conference of young scientists and specialists "Forensic doctors during the great patriotic war" at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba

Posted: 20.09.2024

On May 22, 2024, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba hosted the annual scientific and practical conference of young scientists and specialists "Forensic Doctors during the Great Patriotic War", dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the Victory. The event was organized by the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Medical Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia RUDN University and the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of the Russian University of Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

The conference is traditionally attended by students, residents, graduate students and their supervisors, as well as young forensic experts from various regions of the Russian Federation.

The appeal to the glorious pages of the history of our country, discussing key moments in the development of the national forensic medical service, memories of the life and work of colleagues who passed through the difficult years of the war and became mentors of the younger generation - all this instills in young specialists not only pride in their profession, but also contributes to the development of moral and ethical principles.

Keywords: Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; scientific and practical conference; Great Patriotic War; history of medicine.


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Vol 10, No 4 (2024)

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Original study articles

The influence of individual characteristics of the research subject on the electrical conductivity parameters of cerebrospinal fluid
Vavilov A.Y., Pozdeev A.R., Khalikov A.А., Bayandina S.M., Agzamov V.V., Pozdeyeva M.A.

Background: The analysis of cerebrospinal fluid has been repeatedly recognized in the scientific literature as a promising forensic tool for addressing critical questions related to fatal traumatic brain injuries, such as determining its age and assessing its severity. Conductometry has long been used in medicine as an objective method for studying biological samples. However, the influence of individual characteristics of the object on the conductometric properties of cerebrospinal fluid remains insufficiently studied.

Aim: To investigate the electrical conductivity properties of cerebrospinal fluid in deceased individuals who died from traumatic brain injuries, considering individual characteristics of autopsy material to substantiate the poteвntial of conductometric analysis as a research tool for determining the time of traumatic impact leading to injury formation.

Materials and methods: The experimental conductometric study was carried out on cerebrospinal fluid samples from 124 corps of persons aged 17 to 93 years who had died from traumatic brain injury and its consequences (with post-injury intervals ranging from 0 to 10 days). The electrical conductivity was measured using the AKIP RLC 6109 device, with an error of 0.1%, at frequencies of 0.1 kHz, 1 kHz, and 10 kHz. The study considered the subject’s sex, age, postmortem interval, presence of ethanol in the blood at the time of death, and the ethanol concentration.

Results: The subject’s sex was found to be a significant factor influencing the value of electrical conductivity of cerebrospinal fluid. In contrast, the deceased’s chronological age did not significantly affect the measured cerebrospinal fluid properties, nor did the postmortem interval within the first 24 hours. The absolute ethanol concentration (in ‰) had no substantial effect on cerebrospinal fluid conductivity. However, the mere presence of ethanol in the sample significantly altered its ability to conduct electrical current.

Conclusion: The influence of the above factors must be considered when developing a conductometric method for studying cerebrospinal fluid in those deceased from traumatic brain injury, as it can impact the assessment of injury severity and the age of injury.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):462-473
pages 462-473 views
Evaluating the dynamics of cardiovascular and respiratory system parameters and histological changes in the lungs after baclofen administration and its combination with ethanol
Romanova O.L., Blagonravov M.L., Torshin V.I., Dzhuvalyakov P.G., Barinov E.K., Ershov A.V.

Background: Baclofen is a selective agonist of γ-aminobutyric acid B receptors. The drug exhibits pronounced psychotropic effects and frequently causes dependence. However, its impact on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems remains underexplored.

Aim: To evaluate the dynamics of specific functional parameters of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as histological changes in the lungs, in cases of baclofen poisoning and its combination with ethanol.

Materials and methods: Baclofen and its combination with ethanol were administered to rats under general anesthesia (chloral hydrate 300 mg/kg, intramuscularly). Animals in the control group (n=5) Submitted no baclofen or ethanol. Animals in Groups 1, 3, and 5 were administered baclofen at a dose of 85 mg/kg, with physiological parameters recorded at 3, 4.5, and 24 hours. Animals in Groups 2, 4, and 6 were administered baclofen at the same dose combined with 40% ethanol (7 ml/kg). Physiological parameters (oxygenation level, red blood cell count per liter of blood, and hemoglobin concentration in g/L) were recorded at the same time points. The animals were then euthanized by cervical dislocation under general anesthesia (chloral hydrate), and biological material was collected for subsequent studies. Morphometric analysis was performed using G.G. Avtandilov’s grid.

Results: Baclofen and its combination with ethanol led to a statistically significant decrease in oxygenation levels. Red blood cell count and hemoglobin concentration (g/L) remained unchanged. A dynamic complex of pathological changes developed in the lungs of experimental animals, including microcirculation disturbances, thickening of interalveolar septa due to edema, and leukocyte infiltration. Three hours after combined administration of baclofen and ethanol, a statistically significant increase in vessel area was observed. At 4.5 hours, the areas occupied by leukocytes, the ratio of leukocyte area to interalveolar septa area, and the area affected by edema increased significantly. After 24 hours, the leukocyte area, the ratio of leukocyte area to interalveolar septa area, and the edema area further increased.

Conclusion: Combined with chemical-toxicological findings, the data obtained from this study allow for the identification of baclofen poisoning, estimation of the time elapsed since poisoning, and assessment of exposure conditions. Understanding the processes occurring in the lungs following baclofen and ethanol administration may enhance the effectiveness of medical assistance for affected individuals.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):474-485
pages 474-485 views
Determining the age of diaphyseal fractures of long bones based on radiography
Li Y.B., Vishniakova M.V., Maksimov A.V.

Background: The study of skeletal trauma is one of the key aspects of forensic medical examination in cases involving living individuals. When the circumstances and timing of an injury are unclear due to deliberate concealment by involved parties, delayed medical consultation, or an unreported crime against personal health, determining the age of fractures presents certain challenges. In such cases, radiographic examination of the affected bone serves as an important source of information.

Aim: To identify radiographic characteristics of diaphyseal fractures of long bones specific to different stages of consolidation.

Materials and methods: A retrospective study was conducted on 192 radiographs (initial and follow-up images taken during the observation period) of male and female patients (n=56) aged 20 to 80 years with long bone fractures, both with and without metal osteosynthesis. The study systematically analyzed the progression of radiographic fracture changes at different consolidation stages, described key morphological features, performed comparative group analysis, and structured the findings.

Results: Distinct timeframes for fracture consolidation were identified, along with key diagnostic criteria for tracking healing dynamics. A sequential pattern of morphological changes in fractures throughout the healing process was established. No significant differences in consolidation dynamics were found based on gender. Surgical intervention (metal osteosynthesis) did not play a substantial role in the speed of consolidation.

Conclusion: The radiographic appearance of diaphyseal fractures of long bones exhibits specific morphological features depending on the age of the injury.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):498-508
pages 498-508 views
Forensic medical analysis of head injuries in drivers sustaining fatal in-vehicle trauma
Grukhovskiy S.V., Velenko P.S., Bychkov A.А., Marchenkov R.E., Globa I.V., Berezovskiy D.P., Barinov E.K.

Background: One of the primary tasks of a forensic medical expert in examinations related to in-vehicle trauma is determining the mechanism of injury formation, its severity, and the position of the victim. This often requires addressing questions regarding the specific mechanisms of traumatic brain injury, its morphology, and its severity.

Aim: To study the characteristics of head injuries sustained by drivers in fatal in-vehicle automobile trauma.

Materials and methods: Expert reports from the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Moscow Department of Health from 2006 to 2013 were analyzed to assess the presence and localization of head injuries in drivers involved in road traffic accidents. The Injury Severity Score (ISS) was used to assess the severity of traumatic brain injuries in drivers of domestic and foreign-manufactured vehicles.

Results: The study found no significant differences between the comparison groups in the ISS score ranges of 0–10 and 11–20 points. However, in the ISS score ranges of 21–30 and 31–40 points, fatal injuries were more prevalent among drivers of domestic vehicles, while in the 41–50 point range, they were more common among drivers of foreign-manufactured vehicles.

Conclusion: In cases of fatal traumatic brain injury, significant differences in injury localization and severity suggest the presence of additional factors that require further investigation and should be considered when determining the victim’s position in the vehicle at the time of the accident.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):509-516
pages 509-516 views
The role of alcohol intoxication in fatal road traffic accidents in Moscow
Chizhikova I.O., Shigeev S.V.

Background: The World Health Organization states that approximately 1.19 million people worldwide die annually as a result of road traffic accidents. Driving under the alcohol influence significantly increases the risk of traffic accidents and associated fatalities, which may be attributed to the severity of injuries sustained or the masked progression of traumatic disease during acute alcohol intoxication.

Aim: To evaluate the impact of acute alcohol intoxication on the severity of injuries sustained in road traffic accidents in Moscow and their outcomes based on forensic medical data.

Materials and methods: The study included two stages. At the first stage, data on all fatalities resulting from road traffic accidents in Moscow in 2023 (329 cases) were analyzed. At the second stage, cases with available ethanol testing results (247 cases) were studied. The study objects were forensic medical examination and autopsy reports. Demographic profiles of the deceased, involvement in traffic, time of death, injury patterns, and blood ethanol levels were analyzed. For the first time in Russian practice, injury severity was evaluated using the Forensic Injury Severity Score Template (FISST) scale (an objective and quantitative injury severity assessment system based on autopsy findings).

Results: In 2023, over half of the fatalities from road traffic accidents in Moscow occurred at the time of receiving medical assistance. Most victims were men (239/329; 72.6%; mean age 43.9 years [41.8–46]). Ethanol was detected in 32.4% of cases (80/247) among the victims tested for ethanol (247/329; 75%). Pedestrians and drivers were the most frequent victims of alcohol-related fatalities. The most severe injuries were observed in victims with blood ethanol levels exceeding 3‰; however, no direct correlation between injury severity and blood ethanol level was established in this study. The most severe injuries were found in victims who died during the pre-hospital phase, with chest injuries being the primary contributors to the severity of their condition. Victims who died during the pre-hospital phase also had the highest mean blood ethanol levels.

Conclusion: Ethanol was detected in one-third of road traffic accident fatalities in Moscow. One-quarter of drivers and pedestrians in Moscow died with blood ethanol levels above 0.3‰. All intoxicated drivers died within the first 24 hours following the accident. The most severe injuries were observed in individuals with blood ethanol levels exceeding 3‰. However, the frequency of ethanol detection and blood ethanol levels did not directly influence injury severity or hospitalization duration in this study.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):486-497
pages 486-497 views
Intentional self-harm in a tertiary care hospital, rural South India: a study of sociodemographic profile, methods, and associated factors
Hosahally J.S., Raj N.B., Geetha K.B.

Background: Intentional self-harm refers to a self-injurious behavior without or with a suicidal intent that has a nonfatal outcome. This term encompasses a broad range of behaviors but is typically defined as deliberately self-initiated harm and involves behaviors such as hanging, poisoning, and cutting without and with a suicide intent.

Aims: To identify different methods adopted for self-harm and to examine the relationship between gender/age and the selected method.

Material and methods: This is a prospective, cross-sectional study that analyzed all cases of intentional self-harm admitted to the Dr. Chandramma Dayananda Sagar Institute of Medical Education and Research from October 2022 to February 2024.

Results: A total of 98 cases that met the inclusion criteria were enrolled in this study. Of the total subjects, 63.27% were female and 36.73% were male, and 88.78% of them used nonviolent self-harming methods. Attempted hanging was the most common violent method (63.64%), while consumption of pesticides (63.21%) was the most common nonviolent method followed by an overdose of medication (27.59%). Interpersonal conflict was the main reason for self-harm in 41.83% of the cases. Only 20 cases were diagnosed with psychiatric illness, namely, depressive episode, emotionally unstable personality disorder, and adjustment disorder.

Conclusion: Self-harm behavior is seen in both individuals with normal mental health and those with psychiatric morbidity. Both sets of people need support to grapple with stress and curb any impulsive acts. A registration and monitoring system for self-harm is thus needed to identify, counsel, and treat such potential cases.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):517-528
pages 517-528 views
Identification of markers of ricin-containing object consumption in blood and urine
Barsegyan S.S., Kalekin R.A., Volkova A.A., Orlova A.M.

Background: The determination of acute and fatal poisoning caused by cytotoxic substances remains a critical issue in forensic medical examination. Ricin belongs to this group of substances and is its most toxic representative. It may cause irreversible health consequences in the human body.

Aim: To develop a rapid analysis method for detecting marker substances to establish ricin poisoning in biological samples for forensic medical purposes.

Materials and methods: The study describes optimal conditions for the isolation of ricinine and ricinoleic acid as marker substances indicating the presence of ricin. The extraction process was examined in blood and urine. The study utilized advanced chromatographic techniques, including high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC) combined with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS).

Results: Based on the study findings, a rapid method for detecting ricinine and ricinoleic acid in biological fluids was developed, requiring only 200 µL of biological material. Chromatographic and mass spectrometric characteristics for the identification of ricinine and ricinoleic acid were determined. The presence of toxic ricinine was confirmed in processed products of castor bean (Ricinus communis) seeds, which may pose a risk of human poisoning.

Conclusion: The study presents an express method for forensic chemical and toxicological investigation of ricin poisoning using chromatographic techniques — high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). This method is based on the detection of marker substances, ricinine and ricinoleic acid, in biological samples.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):529-538
pages 529-538 views

Systematic reviews

Forensic age estimation based on magnetic resonance imaging of the knee joint: a systematic review
Zolotenkov D.D., Serova N.S., Zolotenkova G.V., Poletaeva M.P., Pigolkin Y.I.

Background: The issue of age assessment is not only relevant in modern society but also socially significant. According to official statistics, 2021 saw a record number of migrants and refugees — over 89 million and 27.1 million, respectively. A significant proportion of them are children and adolescents under the age of 18, many of whom lack proper legal documents confirming their date of birth. In such cases, forensic age determination is necessary. From the perspective of safety and effectiveness, magnetic resonance imaging is considered the method of choice for age assessment. This highlights the need to explore its potential as a method for documenting and assessing the developmental status of the studied anatomical structure.

Aim: To analyze published data on the feasibility of using knee magnetic resonance imaging findings to determine the stage of epiphyseal ossification for forensic age estimation in children, adolescents, and young adults.

Materials and methods: A study protocol was developed and registered in PROSPERO (registration number CRD42022344779, 2022). Several search engines were used, including PubMed, Web of Science, and the Scopus database, to ensure a comprehensive review of current knowledge. Articles published in English from 1985 to 2021 were considered. Literature searches were conducted using the following keywords and term combinations: “age estimation”, “age determination”, “knee”, and “magnetic resonance imaging of the knee”.

Results: A total of 13 publications were selected and thoroughly analyzed. Differences among the studies were identified regarding magnetic resonance imaging research protocols, classifications used for determining the stage of epiphyseal ossification by age, and the specialization and experience level of the researchers. Significant heterogeneity in population samples was noted, including variations in the number of study subjects, the age range, and the uneven distribution within age groups.

Conclusion: The amount and heterogeneity of data in the studies included in this systematic review did not allow for a meta-analysis of the results or for predicting the risk of misclassification in the target age group. Therefore, at present, MRI-based knee age assessment cannot be considered an objective and legally substantiated forensic method.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):539-554
pages 539-554 views

Technical reports

Online tool for finite element analysis of postmortem convective heat transfer of the head
Nedugiv V.G., Nedugov G.V.

Background: One of the most promising modern approaches in thermometric diagnosis for estimating the time of death is the finite element analysis method of postmortem heat transfer. This method overcomes the limitations of phenomenological cooling equations for corpses. However, the software packages enabling this method are typically expensive and require users to independently set up task parameters. This article introduces an open-access online tool with a simple interface for finite element analysis of postmortem convective heat transfer of the human head. The tool is designed to determine the time of death through cranioencephalic thermometry of the corpse.

Aim: To develop an online tool for finite element analysis of postmortem convective heat transfer of the head.

Materials and methods: A scalable finite element model of the head, approximated as a multi-layered sphere, was created. The model consists of 1,311 nodes and 9,277 finite elements. A computational algorithm was developed to calculate the initial and postmortem temperature fields of the head using the Python 3.

Results: The Simple Finite Element Model of Postmortem Convective Heat Transfer of the Head online application was developed. It considers the specifics of the initial temperature field, dimensions and thermophysical properties of the primary anatomical layers of the head, intensity of convective heat transfer, diagnostic point coordinates, and variations in external temperature during the cooling process. The application generates cooling curves at the diagnostic point and the head surface during the first 24 hours postmortem, providing numerical data, geometric and mesh properties, and temperature distribution along the integration contour from the model’s center to the diagnostic point.

Conclusion: The developed solver requires neither high-performance computer systems nor specialized user training. This feature makes the proposed online tool applicable in forensic practice for determining the time of death using cranioencephalic thermometry of corpses.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):555-565
pages 555-565 views


Characteristics of head injuries based on the specific nature of military conflicts
Kislov M.А., Barinov E.K., Akulinichev E.А., Zotkin D.A.

Head injuries are among the most serious and severe types of trauma in both peacetime and wartime conditions. This article examines head injuries sustained during various large-scale military conflicts and identifies correlations between the localization and nature of injuries, the tactics of combat operations, the weapons used, and the terrain features. This analysis is particularly relevant in light of the ongoing special military operation and may be utilized in the development of individual protective gear and strategies for treating head injuries in field hospitals.

The article incorporates scientific and specialized literature sourced from eLibrary, ResearchGate, CyberLeninka, and PubMed. A statistical and systemic-structural analysis of the literature was performed using methods such as description, comparison, generalization, and hypothesis formulation. The authors analyzed the Syrian Civil War, as well as the military operations “Iraqi Freedom” and “Enduring Freedom.” Average injury characteristics were derived and classified into groups based on the type of affected structures for better visualization. We revealed that the nature of head injuries varies significantly depending on the specifics of the military conflict. However, the most commonly affected areas in any conflict remain the lower and upper jaw, the orbit, and the nasal region.

This article makes a significant contribution to medical research and may be of value to military physicians as well as researchers and engineers involved in the design and improvement of individual protective gear.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):566-577
pages 566-577 views
On using artificial intelligence in procedural decision-making in forensic medical examination
Nurkeyeva D.R., Begaliyev Y.N., Abzalbekova M.T., Biyebayeva A.A., Zhaxybekova F.S.

The article explores the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in forensic medical examination, assessing its current state and future prospects in procedural decision-making. While the integration of AI in forensic medical examination introduces new opportunities, it is equally important to consider potential risks.

The reviews research conducted by experts from various countries on the implementation of AI in forensic medical examination, with a particular focus on its role in procedural decision-making. A literature analysis reveals that forensic psychiatry leads the way in AI adoption within forensic medicine.

Based on a synthesis of scientific literature and an analysis of domestic and international experience, the authors identify key areas where AI can be applied in forensic medical examination and highlight specific aspects that require careful attention.

The introduction of AI into forensic medical examination marks a revolutionary development, offering enhanced efficiency in data analysis and interpretation. However, despite AI’s vast potential, human expertise remains irreplaceable in making critical decisions. AI is not intended to replace human judgment but rather to serve as a valuable assistant. At the current stage of technological development, human involvement is essential for interpreting context and making well-founded decisions.

The article also includes a SWOT analysis of AI applications in procedural decision-making within forensic medical examination. The findings outline the strengths and weaknesses of AI implementation.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):578-588
pages 578-588 views
Prospects for histomorphological and genetic diagnosis of autopsy-negative sudden cardiac death
Kulbitskiy B.N., Vladykina O.A., Bogomolov D.V., Kadykova A.I., Deev R.V.

This article presents the prospects of histological and genetic diagnosis in cases of sudden cardiac death where primary autopsy findings do not reveal obvious pathological changes.

In recent years, the number of autopsy-negative sudden cardiac deaths has increased, creating a need for more precise diagnostic methods to determine the cause of death and potentially prevent such cases in the future. The article examines modern histological examination techniques for cardiac tissues, as well as molecular genetic testing approaches that may be useful in identifying subclinical conditions leading to sudden cardiac death.

Molecular genetic methods for investigating sudden cardiac death remain underexplored. To date, large-scale studies on the molecular genetic causes of such fatalities are lacking in Russia, highlighting the need for further research at the intersection of medical genetics, pathological anatomy, and forensic medicine.

This article provides a brief review of histological and genetic diagnosis of sudden cardiac death, where the authors propose integrating these methods into the diagnostic process to enhance their effectiveness in pathological and forensic medical practice. The authors emphasize the necessity of further research, including the application of advanced technologies in histological and genetic analysis, as well as big data analytics to identify new pathological mechanisms of sudden cardiac death.

Medical genetic counseling on predisposition to sudden cardiac death can help identify at-risk individuals and reduce mortality. In the future, it may become possible to establish links between genetic predictors of sudden cardiac death and defects in myocardial contractile protein expression, with subsequent confirmation using immunohistochemical analysis.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):589-601
pages 589-601 views

Case reports

Sudden death due to right fallopian tube tear in ectopic pregnancy: an autopsy-based case report
Syahroni S.S., Ongko W.S., Yudianto A.

Осложнения внематочной беременности, особенно связанные с разрывом анатомических структур, могут приводить к внезапным критическим состояниям. Случаи внезапной смерти по умолчанию считаются насильственными, пока экспертиза не докажет обратное. Вскрытие является ключевым методом, проводимым судебно-медицинским экспертом для установления причины смерти.

В данной статье представлен предполагаемый случай неестественной смерти, который расследуется полицией. Молодая незамужняя женщина, проживавшая одна, была найдена мёртвой в своей комнате. Для установления причины смерти проведена судебно-медицинская экспертиза, по результатам которой обнаружены увеличенная в размерах матка и разрыв правой фаллопиевой трубы. Уровень β-хорионического гонадотропина человека в крови составил 5224,07 мМЕ/мл. Наличие внематочной трубной беременности подтверждено заключением гистопатологического исследования. Обнаружено также массивное кровоизлияние из места разрыва правой фаллопиевой трубы в брюшную полость с общим объёмом кровопотери 1946,7 мл, которое привело к развитию геморрагического шока. При гистопатологическом исследовании выявлены отёк лёгких, некроз почек и желудка, что свидетельствует о полиорганной недостаточности. Путём исключения других вариантов было установлено, что внезапная смерть наступила по естественным причинам.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):602-610
pages 602-610 views
Implementing an optimization algorithm to estimate the time of death considering environmental temperature variations
Vavilov A.Y., Khalikov A.А., Naidenova T.V.

During forensic determination of the postmortem interval based on thermometric examination of a body, there may be cases where the ambient temperature at the discovery site has changed over time. In such cases, using the environmental temperature measured at the time of body examination for calculations inevitably leads to errors in estimating the time of death. However, forensic medicine has developed a method that allows calculations under incomplete initial data conditions by optimizing the variables used as predictors in the mathematical model underlying the estimation. This approach is demonstrated through a case study presented in the article.

Using Powell’s optimization algorithm, the study illustrates a formula-based calculation of the postmortem interval when the ambient temperature recorded at the time of examination differs from that during the period the body remained at the discovery site. A computational sheet was developed in Microsoft Excel with numbered cells containing the necessary formulas, making it applicable in forensic medical practice. This approach can be further implemented in the Calc application from the LibreOffice suite or similar software.

In the article presents a practical example of body examination at the discovery site, including rectal thermometry results and postmortem interval calculations without the optimization-based approach for determining individual coefficient values. The case report demonstrates that an expert approach to assessing initial values in a specific investigative context can significantly enhance the accuracy of determining the postmortem interval. This conclusion is supported by the alignment of calculated postmortem interval values with the results obtained through investigative methods.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):611-619
pages 611-619 views

Historical articles

In memory of the distinguished professor Vadim A. Sundukov
Sundukov D.V., Barinov E.K., Golubev A.M., Dzhuvalyakov P.G., Khalikov A.А., Bashirova A.R., Smirnov A.V.

This article commemorates the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vadim A. Sundukov (1924–2014), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Professor of Astrakhan State Medical Institute, and Honored Physician of the Russian Federation. His life and career were inextricably linked to the Department of Forensic Medicine, science, and people dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. At the core of his professional activity was educational and methodological work with students, reflecting his profound understanding of the importance of cultivating the ethical and moral foundations essential for future physicians in their medical practice.

Under Vadim A. Sundukov’s initiative, the significant merger of the Department of Forensic Medicine and the Bureau of Forensic Medical Expert Evaluation led to establishing the Astrakhan Forensic Medical Expert Evaluation and Educational Association. Professor Vadim A. Sundukov emphasized the development, expansion, and strengthening of the association’s facilities, enabling optimal organization of educational and operational facilities. This, in turn, significantly improved the quality of student training and the efficiency of expert activities.

Vadim A. Sundukov mentored a generation of highly qualified forensic medical experts and educators who continue his work across Russia and the CIS countries. His achievements earned him numerous medals and honorary titles, underscoring the high regard for his career and scientific contributions.

The article provides extensive information on Vadim A. Sundukov’s educational, scientific, medical, and public service activities, highlighting his importance in the history of forensic medicine and medical education in Russia. Vadim A. Sundukov’s contributions to the development of forensic medicine continue to inspire new generations of professionals.

Russian Journal of Forensic Medicine. 2024;10(4):620-628
pages 620-628 views

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